Webinar: Cultural Awareness: Ensuring your learning is truly inclusive

Posted: 11 Sep 2023

There’s been an explosion in the growth of learning during and following the pandemic. We are more accustomed than ever to virtual environments, but many are still falling short of expectations when it comes to cultural awareness.

As we become more global as people and as institutions, so too does the need to prioritise diversity and inclusion. Learning materials need to speak to the individual and, depending on where you are in the world and what culture you are used to, that can require very different content.

In this webinar, Jessica Rathke, Comtec’s Cultural Services Partner is joined by Emily Decker, Head of Partnerships at Comtec, to discuss the importance of cultural awareness in learning environments.

We take a deep dive into:

  • How different cultural groups learn differently.
  • The impact of cultural missteps on your brand and your learners.
  • How improving your cultural competence can improve learning outcomes.
  • How teachers and instructors can ensure their learning content is culturally sensitive.