Why use a creative check service?

International marketing teams typically think about words a lot, while image use is a less obvious candidate for localisation.

To maximise efficiency, brands often use a single image and change the text for each market or locale, but as the old adage goes, a picture paints a thousand words, and localising image selection can be the secret sauce to a successful campaign. It can help you look and feel more natural, boosting brand credibility and authenticity.

We can help you get images right for:

  • Websites
  • Training material
  • Brand campaigns
  • Multimedia campaigns
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media
  • Internal comms
  • Product launches

The creative check process

Use our in-house creative experts to get a quick read on the suitability of an image for use in a campaign or piece of content. You’ll receive an in-depth report offering feedback and advice, and an overall traffic light score.

If needed, we’ll also make suggestions on different images to try, to make sure your creative packs a punch.